
WP1 – Generating the new research avenue called nutribreeding for the purpose of human health and animal feed

  • Identify potential genetic diversity for nutricrops suited to organic production systems.
  • Multiply seed material and creation of working collections.
  • Crop management in order to achieve high seed quality and vigour using multi-crop-based organic production.
  • Selecting accessions of nutricrops suitable for organic production.
  • Novel nutriproduct prototypes.

WP2 -Transformation strategy

  • Establish Technology Transfer Office (TTO)
  • Establish Project Management Office (PMO)
  • Develop IP plan.
  • Establish cloud platform.
  • Generate Document Management System (DMS).
  • Generate the technology roadmap.
  • Establish workflow efficiency

WP3 – Enhancing Human Resource (HR) sector, staff exchange, training and networking

  • Develop HR strategy.
  • Expand networking and collaboration.
  • Train highly-skilled researchers and non-research staff.

WP4 – Communication, dissemination and exploitation

  • Dissemination, exploitation and communication of project results
  • Develop of a project communication plan.
  • Develop of dissemination plan.
  • Sharing know-how technologists and skills.

WP5 – Project management and coordination

  • Manage and coordinate project activities within the consortium.
  • Monitor and evaluate progress and timely completion of all project milestones and deliverables.
  • Co-ordinate the preparation and submission of all periodic and final reports to the Commission.

CREDIT Vibes presents a cloud of Creativity, Research, Education, Development, Innovation, and Transformation (CREDIT) where the training of the highly-skilled researchers and non-research staff is the priority.

CREDIT Vibes launches healthy food/feed, a healthy eco-friendly environment, and healthy life on a healthy planet.