Maize seed production of ZP 791 and Prado hybrids, the pilot program in Angola
- Name of Project: CREDIT Vibes
- Title of the Summer school course: Maize seed production of ZP 791 and Prado hybrids, the pilot program in Angola.
- Institution/Provider: Crop production farm Acquasolo Sociedade Comercial Lda, Fazenda “Vrelo” Pambangala-Wako Kungo, Republic of Angola.
- Objectives: Testing and introduction of white and yellow kernel maize hybrids with high genetic potential for yield and grain quality, tolerant to prevalent local diseases (Downy mildew and maize streak virus), production of high-quality seeds, in the Republic of Angola.
- Number and description of trainees: The trainee in the program was Dr. Nenad Delić.
- Training Duration: The education persisted for five days.
- Training Schedules: The training started on November 17th, 2023.

Training Design
Title of the Summer school course:
Developing maize hybrids with high genetic potential for yield and grain quality tolerant to streak virus and Downy mildew.
Blocks or tasks:
Block 1- Developing maize hybrids
Block 2- Production of high-quality seeds
Skills requirement:
Breeder with a doctorate in agricultural sciences.
Related Knowledge:
Knowledge in carrying out breeding work, organizing and carrying out work on seed production and seed processing.
Teaching aids/materials:
Working sessions are conducted in the field and in the farm Acquasolo Sociedade Comercial Lda, Fazenda “VRELO”.
Teaching methods:
Lectures, interactive discussion, practical field demonstration of activities in maize seed production during pollination season, solving specific problems with experts, familiarization with hosts OP maize varieties, and presentation in the establishment of the initial plan for the drying and processing line equipment supply.
Key points:
Developing of common maize hybrids with high genetic potential for yield, tolerance to the relevant diseases grain quality production, drying and processing of high-quality seeds.

Description of the Summer School Program
The main problem in Angola’s agricultural sector is unorganized and poor production with a lack of necessary knowledge, technical skills and machinery. Despite of huge areas of land that can be used for diverse plant production with good water supply, optimal temperatures and the possibility of irrigation in at least two seasons a year, the agricultural production is extensive and at the lowest technological level. The yields achieved in Angola are at a very low level. Out of current surface under commodity maize of 2.5 b. hectares the average yield is 1.1 t/ha. The production of hybrid corn is almost non-existent.
A very small number of farmers, mostly larger ones, use hybrid seeds and over 90% of corn production is based on OP varieties, where the popular Kalahari and ZM 521 are the most present. The Institute’s mission is to introduce hybrid seeds into production and organize seed production in Angola.

Cooperation with the farm “Vrelo” was established at the beginning of 2021. In that period, ZP corn hybrids (8 in total) were tested in several locations and production seasons. After summarizing the results, ZP 791 and Prado proved to be the best. Through the multiple trials during 2 years and two production seasons in the Republic of Angola (Province of Kwanza Sul) from 2021-2022, two yellow maize hybrids were chosen for further work.
The owners, in agreement with the Institute, agreed to carry out a pilot program of seed production of these two hybrids on a total area of approximately 0.21 ha.
The visit to the company Aquasolo-farm “Vrelo” in the province of Kwanza Sul was made from the 17th of November 2023 to the 22nd of November 2023.

The crop was in good condition. The male component of maize hybrids ZP 791 and Prado is in common for both hybrids. The plant composition of the female components is from 32,000 to 38,000 plants.
Crop control has been carried out, silk dusting consistency is excellent. Training of technical staff was carried out concerning pinching of panicles on the female components and removal of atypical plants and further guidelines were given for maintenance of the seed crop and harvesting.
Given that the client’s interest is in the development of its corn seed production, technical consultations were carried out regarding the procurement of adequate equipment for drying and processing seeds.
Following the projected volume of production, an adequate line for drying and processing corn seeds is recommended.

There is a potential possibility to provide spatial isolation of 35 ha for the next production season. Further activities will be aimed at multiplying sufficient quantities of basic seed for the successful development of the seed production program.

Eight new maize genotypes with white kernel colour were provided by the Institute to proceed with the introduction of maize hybrids aimed at the potential seed production and sales of C1 in Angola.
All of those white maize hybrids will be planted in the particular trial during the next production season which starts in March 2024.

CREDIT Vibes presents a cloud of Creativity, Research, Education, Development, Innovation, and Transformation (CREDIT) where the training of the highly-skilled researchers and non-research staff is the priority.
CREDIT Vibes launches healthy food/feed, a healthy eco-friendly environment, and healthy life on a healthy planet.