CREDIT Vibes Project Meeting was held on the 9th and 10th of December 2024, at the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia (Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije – KIS) in Ljubljana, Slovenia with the attendance of 13 representatives from the consortium.

In addition to the hosts, the meeting was attended by the Maize Research Institute “Zemun Polje” from Serbia and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki from Greece.
Consortium partners assembled to discuss and prepare for the project’s third year. The meeting provided the opportunity to summarise the project’s achievements and emphasise cooperative efforts from the previous time.

The two-day meeting was intense and divided into two sessions. The first was dedicated to the CREDIT Vibes Annual Meeting and included overviews of each work package with the tasks, presentations of the main activities and next steps.

The primary focus of the partners was planning activities for the upcoming period with discussions and conclusions.

In addition to the annual meeting, the second day of the event and gatherings was dedicated to WP3 training entitled “Challenges in plant breeding“.

The training included a Round table discussion on the comparison of breeding approaches at the MVRI and the KIS as well as a visit to the laboratory infrastructure at KIS: Genetics laboratory (BP) and Seed laboratory (RR). This was followed by the Feedback session and closing remarks.

The partners will strengthen their capacities to focus on increasing knowledge generating the new research avenue called nutribreeding for human health and animal feed and enhancing human resources, staff exchange, training, networking and knowledge transfer.
A detailed Agenda with the schedule for both days and additional information is available on the following link, here.