Dissemination Material

All publicly available dissemination material produced by the CREDIT Vibes project can be found on this page for download, dissemination and communication. 

CREDIT Vibes Logo

The logo is a visual mark that represents the project. The project’s unique visual identity and logo can be downloaded and used for the dissemination kit in both electronic and printed material.


The Roll-up is an advertising medium primarily used for mobile use, on fair stands, conferences, different events or presentations. The project’s roll-up can be downloaded and used for the dissemination kit in printed material.


The brochure is a magazine or thin book with pictures that give information about the CREDIT Vibes project. The project’s brochure can be downloaded and used for the dissemination kit in both electronic and printed material.


The leaflet is a form of paper advertisement intended for wide distribution and is typically posted or distributed in a public place, handed out to individuals or sent through the mail that gives information about the CREDIT Vibes project. The project’s leaflet can be downloaded and used for the dissemination kit and printed material.


Liflet (ili letak) je namijenjen širokoj distribuciji i obično se postavlja ili distribuira na javnim mestima, deli pojedincima ili šalje poštom a koji daje informacije o projektu CREDIT Vibes. Liflet projekta može se preuzeti i koristiti za dalju diseminaciju i promociju projekta.


Zgibanka je namenjena široki distribuciji in je običajno izobešena ali razdeljena na javnih mestih, razdeljena posameznikom ali poslana po pošti, ki podaja informacije o projektu CREDIT Vibes. Zloženko projekta si lahko naložite in uporabite za nadaljnje razširjanje in promocijo projekta.


Το φυλλάδιο είναι μια μορφή έντυπης διαφήμισης που προορίζεται για ευρεία διανομή και συνήθως αναρτάται ή διανέμεται σε δημόσιο χώρο, μοιράζεται σε άτομα ή αποστέλλεται μέσω ταχυδρομείου που παρέχει πληροφορίες σχετικά με το έργο CREDIT Vibes. Το φυλλάδιο του έργου μπορεί να μεταφορτωθεί και να χρησιμοποιηθεί για το κιτ διάδοσης και το έντυπο υλικό.